Walgett Freedom Ride Park opening - July 2023
Commemoration of the Walgett Freedom Ride
As part of the broader Remembering the Freedom Ride to Walgett project there is a public art and narrative display, which has been developed with a grant from Create NSW.
The display focuses on Walgett’s association with the Freedom Ride, identifying significant local Aboriginal people who had a key role in the demonstrations and events specific to the town. By the end of 2023, the site will also have planting, pathways, seating and signage around the artwork, providing a communal space for truth telling, sharing and contemplation.
The image above shows the opening ceremony for the launch of the park in July 2023. The Freedom Ride of 1965.
The four panels below were developed in collaboration with local artist Frank Wright and are displayed on the old bank vault that was existing on site.
The park is open to the public seven days a week from 7am - 4pm, including Public Holidays.